So, you think you are healthy?

I’ve been talking a lot about how we need to look within and tune into ourselves. No matter where you are in your health goals, there is always room for improvement.

The first improvement you can make is to consider what’s the “hap hap” when heading off to shop for food.

I watched this really great documentary called HOOKED ON FOOD.

The documentary questions how the agribusiness keep us coming back for more and why we consume so much processed food, in fact, processed food is being consumed in even greater quantities than before.

But hang on, isn’t there a health revolution happening? It seems there is but obesity continues to grow as do diseases related to this epidemic. 

At this point are you thinking, well, I’m not obese so what does this have to do with me?

Well, I’d like to ask you this……do you think you are healthy?

For those who answered YES:

Why do you still snack on energy bars, packaged, processed meats, fruit flavored yogurt. Worse still, why do you drink drinks with zero calories or protein shakes and why do you still have sugar in your house?

Perhaps you are just unaware of the nasty things they put in these foods or perhaps, like so many of us, you are just hooked!

I’m no saint.

I still can’t resist the urge to dive into a bag of crisps from time to time and I definitely find it hard to refuse a slice of saucisson but I have made heaps of improvement and now only buy the bare minimum from the supermarket.

I do appreciate that not all of us live in an area where we have any other choice but next time you go to the supermarket, think about the aisles and aisles of (normally about 8000) products all carefully crafted to make you want to buy more. Each one with an abnormal shelf life meaning they are full of chemicals to keep the food from going bad. These are not the only chemicals added, coloring to alter the foods look, flavours to alter the taste. Clever packaging so you buy more. All of this organized by just a few food giants who spend billions to ensure that we keep consuming their products. About 80% of what we eat is provided by these people!

There is no difference in the wellness and health industry. Again I touched on this briefly in my VLOG – Cut the Health Revolution Confusion.

Start being conscious of marketing motives.

The food industry is not stupid, they will adjust their marketing to keep up sales. If they think that healthier food will sell, they will start to market healthier food but this doesn’t mean it actually is.

Now if you are not leading a totally hectic life and you live in a community where there may be a market, then do yourself a favour this weekend and go and take a look at some real food you can buy. Get interested in where your food comes from. This is a great starting point.

There is no point in starting to tune in, if you are not being mindful about what you are putting into your body.

Tons of research has shown that if you eat BAD food you WILL feel terrible. It’s that simple.

If you struggle to know which foods you should eat, or you have a question about how to shop for the right foods or even read a food label, contact me straight away. I am here to give you a helping hand. I can teach you healthier alternatives when shopping or how to cook simple healthy meals without it taking hours out your day.

It’s time to get back to basics and start putting good home-cooked food in our bellies. It’s time to take action and get that pot simmering on the stovetop.

It’s time to get back our energy and that feeling of satisfaction! Come on now…..You’ll never know until you give it a glow ; )


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